Our mission
2021 sees LACOCKALPACA embark on a new agroforestry project to honour our desire to care for and regenerate the land around us, as best we can. We are committing to a tree planting project that responds to local ecological knowledge, and has soil regeneration as the core thrust of planning.
Agroforestry is a practice of combining agriculture and tree planting, and is common in many parts of the world. It has been under-recognised in the UK, but Defra have recently responded to lobbying and there is now more support for farmers.
Over the next twelve months we will identify and implement the best strategy to plant the greatest number of trees, and enrich the soil on every inch of Oakley Farm. Part of this strategy will involve adding an experience of plant diversity, local ecology and agroforestry practice, to what we can offer visitors and guests.
LacockAlpaca wants to use this opportunity to build stronger links with community and education initiatives in the area. In particular, we are passionate about offering young people the chance to learn about soil care as a fundamental way in which we can respond to the climate emergency. We are learning, and we hope to do so alongside our neighbours and community partners.
Join us:
If you are interested in getting involved or volunteering with us, please get in touch. We are particularly interested in hearing form other landowners with a similar agenda, local ecologists or anyone with experience of tree-planting.