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“Don’t forget to Top your Grass

We have a carefully planned breeding programme and, in consultation with our vet, we have a herd health plan in place.

All our alpacas are up to date with routine husbandry and veterinary procedures. Full data sheets are available for each animal.



It is important that alpacas have access to fresh grass, hay/ silage and clean water. They require four main ingredients in their diets: water, energy, protein and roughage. Most well tended pastures will supply energy and protein needs. They should also provide most mineral and vitamin needs.


We supplement with Camalibra and monitor any underweight alpacas that might need feeding up due to pregnancy or a very hungry cria. Regular body scoring is essential and any weight loss should be investigated. A regular weigh-in is routine. We have separated our alpacas for short periods of time to build up a couple of our older females and to ensure that they get their fair share! One or two girls can be a bit pushy and guard their food, thus leaving some short of their share.

Alpaca husbandry

'Samson going for his body scoring and 

general welfare check'

Alpaca Health - Husbandry

Our Alpacas have vitamin A, D and E injections twice a year. The cria have regular A, D and E until they are two years old.


Pasture maintenance and alpaca health

Good pasture maintenance is important, especially on smaller acreage. We use a paddock cleaner on daily or alternate days, and rotate the use of paddocks.


Together with pasture and dung management, we take regular faecal samples as camelids are much more susceptible to endoparasites (worms/protozoa) than other animals. We also vaccinate to protect against Clostridium disease.


After the difficult weather conditions of the last winter we have scarified and fertilized our pastures in rotation.


Toenail clipping is part of routine care and needs to be done about every three to four months. Letting alpacas’ toenails, which grow continuously throughout their lives, become too long can cause discomfort and lameness.

This process does not have to be stressful for the alpaca or the human! Using the techniques as demonstrated in ‘Camelid Dynamics’, alpacas can be trained to accept having their feet picked up. Weanlings are easy to train with careful and gentle handling. We use an alpaca chute to conduct routine husbandry tasks. This leaves the alpaca feeling less restrained and their four legs generally well balanced.


Body Condition Scoring 

We vigilantly monitor our herd. Through regular body scoring and weigh-ins, we are quickly alerted to any small changes and can spot any signs of stress or concerns that need our attention. Body scoring is done with a combination of observation and palpitation on the bone structures. Prevention saves discomfort, time and money. Sudden changes in body condition can signal all is not well.


There are many illustrations available on the Internet that offer clear guidance. A chart on a workstation wall is a good reminder!

Camelid Dynamics

We are working toward using many of the techniques and strategies advocated by Marty McGee Bennett. They not only help us to physically manage the alpacas but are also in line with our attitude and ethics regarding treating animals with respect and gentleness.

It is worth buying a copy Marty McGees book to learn more about TTOUCH and using bodywork as a means of communication with your alpacas. She has been training in these techniques for camelids for over 30 years.

You can learn:


·         The science of behaviour -  why doing things in a kind and respectful manner is also the most
          scientifically sound approach


·         The basics of balance and the physics of animal handling


·         Herding, catching haltering


·         Halter fitting – the effect of understanding how a halter works


·         TTouch, using bodywork as a means of communication

The Camelid Companion by Marty McGee Bennett
Camelid Dynamics at Lacock Alpaca

Victoria Barrett from Simply Alpacas is a very experienced Camelid Dynamics Trainer


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